Dali is 20 months oldCertain memories you keep from when you were a kid and im sure everyone has a memory from riding your bike. Dali has this vintage 3 wheeler that he can sit on but almost reach the peddles –He loves it and this photo is from a mission we took down the country road one night. As you can see Mr Dali Man is growing up fast and he is now talking up a storm repeating words and trying to have conversations with you that are all gibberish except a few words. Hes got such his own little personality now and i can see him turning into a kid–his imagination is really starting to show and playing trucks is so fun, stacking blocks and even playing little mini hockey sticks in the living room. Thats how we roll Dali Man…in case your reading this in 20 years just remember never take life to serious and always have fun…everything will then fall into place as you go. —follow your passions and dreams buddy
Always be kind to everyone and help people out as much as you can Dali Man..–I know great things will come your way and i cant wait to be there to watch them………